Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Another Week Away
The end of the world didn't happen and neither did our presentations. I will be gone until Saturday, sleeping on cots with the chickens, ducks, pigs, toads, and numerous other animals. Now, I don't thrive or love the fact that I get less sleep on these trips and eat less or when I do eat, I eat the same thing (eggs, beans, rice, tortilla) for four days straight. But don't get me wrong - I really do enjoy these adventures and know that they are going to be among some of the more interesting/important stories that I bring back with me to share in the States.
No pictures today - I've stared at pictures constantly for the last three days because of work - but when I return, I will post atleast a few this weekend. I suppose I've got a few to pick from; I took nearly 1400 pictures in the last two weeks. My computer's memory is starting to get grumpy and hate me. I tell him that when we get back to the States, I will buy him an external hard drive friend and he will feel less bloated. Yes, I've started talking to my computer.
Speaking of coming back to the States, I'm nearly a third into my stay. At times it feel like I've been here FOREVER. And at other times, its hard to believe that I've been here that long. I have a laundry list of things I miss from home (family, friends, pets, beer, grassy front yards) but I think I'll save that for another post later. Until then, I'm off into the wild, living the dream, taking pictures, and eatting beans. Wish me luck!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Field Work - Willywood and Conrado
Long Time, No Blog
Friday, March 11, 2011
A Quick Note
Now I'm off to Antigua and Monterrico for the weekend with friends from home, Jessi and Rachel, and Xela friends Brenda and Emelie. So no posting for a few days. Lo siento.
Another note, you may or may not know that there was a huge earthquake in Japan yesterday, causing some major tsunami action to head towards the States. Two of my best friends in the world, Dean and Tyler Brown, are in Hawaii. They are now sleeping in a Safeway parking lot last I heard. But they are safe and in high ground away from any tsunamis. Please keep them in mind today and everyone else effected by the quake/tsunami. Thanks.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Behind the Scenes Look at Semilla Nueva
We ride around in the back of pickup trucks, going way too fast and ignoring way too many laws of the road.

That's kind of a small look into the working life of a Semilla Nuevan. There will be a post on Semilla Nueva's blog eventually about something similar. Probably a little more PR friendly. I will say though, life here requires some flexiblity, which makes for some annoying times and for some fun times. It's been a geat learning experience in that reguard. How often does one change brake pads in a McDonald's parking lot? These are once in a lifetime experiences.
Thursday's Barrage of Blogging Begins

So something I thought I'd do was take some time to explain what exactly I've been doing down here in Guatemala. I guess I could start by linking to a post I wrote for Semilla Nueva and just posted literally within the last hour. This was a trip we took two weeks ago out to San Martin (a little town northwest of Guatemala City) to visit Cruz Cún Cún, a veteran of the Campesino a Campesino movement.
- Learning Spanish - with the goal of me eventually working in the communities that I talked about above.
- Taking pictures of our trips - for promotional media, fundraising purposes.
- Write for the Semilla Nueva blog.
- Assisting with daily functions of Semilla Nueva - gathering materials for the workshops we put on, which can be a challenge in Xela.
- Researching and reading through scientific articles for data that we can use for grants.
That's my general 'internship/volunteering' overview. Things are nice cause it differs day to day and by time June comes, the look of my job will be completely different than it is right now.
Ok... blog #1 for today - done. More to come!
Sunday, March 6, 2011
One Month in Xela
- Its been over a week since my last post.
- I've been in Xela for over a month now.
And while I'd like to spend some time reflecting on the month that I've spent here, time is not something I have right now. In about an hour, I'm heading off to Guatemala City for work and will be gone until late Tuesday night. However, look forward to Wednesday, because there will be new pictures, stories, and a bit of a longer post/multiple posts.
Just thought I'd let all who care that I was alive and hadn't forgotten my blogging duties.