- Corn tortillas: Of everything, this might be my most missed. Corn tortillas here are so so different than those in the States. In the States, they are stale and tasteless. Here, they are fresh, fluffy, and perfect for every type of meal (have you ever had tortillas with spaghetti? I have...). If I could, I'd take home a Guatemalan women to make me tortillas the rest of my life. Hmmm....
- Cheap prices: Not everything is cheap but I will miss getting fruits and veggies for insanely low prices. My mindset now has gotten to "What? 50 cents for 2 red peppers? That's way too high," or "4 avocados for $1? That's okay I suppose." Returning to Portland is going to be a bit of a price shock.
- Bus schedules: When I lived in Seattle, I had to plan around bus schedules. They only left Green Lake for Downtown once or twice an hour. Here, I can go up to the main bus terminal, looking to go virtually anywhere in the country and leave within 20 minutes (and usually much sooner than 20 minutes). This has made traveling across Guatemala much easier and more efficient.
- My neighbor, the rooster: I actually will not miss him at all. I loathe that creature. That little black and golden demon has ruined my sleep schedule so much in the last 4 months. I often have nights where I've pondered how delicious he would taste fried.
- Guatemalan dance clubs: While I did get burned out of these pretty early because of my European friends I made, I really will miss discotecas. They are entertaining, cheap to get in, love gringos, and usually a fun way to spend a Saturday night. Yes, the music does get old eventually, but there is nothing better than listen to Black Eyed Peas every other song (sarcasm). In all seriousness, they are quite enjoyable and less sleazy than the ones I've seen in the States.
- Tortix: I will find a way to take a bag of Tortix home. I can't imagine life without Tortix. Tortrix is a Frito-esque chip that has much more flavor. The best: bean flavor. They don't taste exactly like beans, which is a good thing. The flavor is unlike any snack I've ever had. My carry on might just be a plastic bag full of Tortix. We'll see.
- The farmers: I will address this more when it gets closer to going home but I feel so attached to some of the farmers and their families, it's going to be really hard leaving them. Before I start getting all weepy, I'll move on and blog about this at a future date.
- My friends: Again, I will have another 'ending' post where I'll get all emotional and what not about people I've met, but for now and list-sake, I just thought I'd say, yes, I will miss all the great friends I've made down here.
Like I said above, I will be writing about my time here in a more serious manner in the coming weeks. For now, I just thought I'd give a happier rebuttle to the other Guate list I mean a little bit ago.
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