Friday, February 25, 2011

Sushi Night in Casa Latina

One thing that is amazing to me about living in Guatemala is the food. And not the local food. The local food is good, but it usually consists of some combo of corn, beans, rice, and eggs. But because people (at least travelers and gringos) grow tired of this 'ethnic' food, they make a solid effort to put together meals that remind them of home and the ample choices that their respective cities offer. So, with the help of my friend Mikiko, Wednesday we had one of my favorite foods in the world: sushi.

Due to the fact that there really isn't sushi grade fish down here, we made veggie, canned tuna, and teriyaki chicken rolls.

I've made rolls before but Mikiko wanted me to try to make inside out rolls - where the rice is on the outside. Harder but when its done, its looks so cool.

Here is Mikiko teaching Brenda, who doesn't like sushi, how to make rolls. I think Brenda ended up liking what she made.

The finished product.

The table after all the hardwork. We ate like kings, er... emperors that night!

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