Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Another Week Away

I'm off. Again. To the middle of nowhere, Guatemala. This week, we are heading out to La Maquina, Zonas 1 y 2 to give our presentation on zero-till technology. This will be our second attempt at giving this same presentation in the same cities - due to the fact that last time we went out there, all the communities were in a crazy panic over the fact that the 'giant' tsunami was approaching the coast ("el fin del mundo! el fin del mundo!").

The end of the world didn't happen and neither did our presentations. I will be gone until Saturday, sleeping on cots with the chickens, ducks, pigs, toads, and numerous other animals. Now, I don't thrive or love the fact that I get less sleep on these trips and eat less or when I do eat, I eat the same thing (eggs, beans, rice, tortilla) for four days straight. But don't get me wrong - I really do enjoy these adventures and know that they are going to be among some of the more interesting/important stories that I bring back with me to share in the States.

No pictures today - I've stared at pictures constantly for the last three days because of work - but when I return, I will post atleast a few this weekend. I suppose I've got a few to pick from; I took nearly 1400 pictures in the last two weeks. My computer's memory is starting to get grumpy and hate me. I tell him that when we get back to the States, I will buy him an external hard drive friend and he will feel less bloated. Yes, I've started talking to my computer.

Speaking of coming back to the States, I'm nearly a third into my stay. At times it feel like I've been here FOREVER. And at other times, its hard to believe that I've been here that long. I have a laundry list of things I miss from home (family, friends, pets, beer, grassy front yards) but I think I'll save that for another post later. Until then, I'm off into the wild, living the dream, taking pictures, and eatting beans. Wish me luck!

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