Saturday, April 2, 2011

Revisiting Haiti

No, I'm not going back. Not yet at least. But I still want to continue to follow the progress of those who I met down in that amazing country and keep others posted on a few things that are still happening. First I recently started sponsoring a kid that I met down in Kenscoff. His name is Jeffery Pierre. In my opinion, he was hands down the friendliest kid we met at the NPH orphanage, taking time to talk to Rachel and I and seemed generally interested in being our friend. He also LOVED my hair, as you can see in the picture below (he's the one petting me). I hope to return to Haiti, if/when Rachel goes back, and visit him.

While spending time in Port-au-Prince, I had the chance to meet and talk with a guy named Bryn Mooser. I've mentioned him before on the blog, so my long time readers probably recognize the name. He and a friend have spent a large amount of time working in Haiti, shooting footage for their website and documentary that they were putting together. I recently was forwarded this video put together by Bryn and his friend, showing their attempt at the first Little League team in Haiti. The idea is a bit whacky in comparison to what Haitians really need, but its a good idea to give kids an outlet for fun, away from the horrors that fill their daily lives. Plus, its a beautifully crafted clip.

Bryn is a bit of a hipster from LA but he is doing good work in a place that needs it and that's all that anyone can ask: that people take initiative, go out, and try to make the world a better place.

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