Monday, January 10, 2011

My Extreme, Attention Grabbing Intro

I thought I had gotten cholera. There. I got your attention. But seriously, this weekend up on the mountain of Kenscoff was a weird weekend, full of intense dreams and terrible bowel movements. At one point Saturday night, I was half laying on my bed and thinking of all the things I had yet to do with my life. I was sure cholera was going to end me. However, it turns out everyone else in our volunteer party was/is feeling the same way. And I don't have cholera. But I might lose 5 pounds purely from a poor digestive system. Oh Haiti...

Anyway, there hasn't been a bunch of new information to report. The days are becoming very similar and while I have been completely enjoying myself, there aren't too many interesting tidbits to share. Nor has there been too many new photos that are worth waiting 5 minutes to post (each picture takes about 4-5min to upload to to the blazing speed of Haitian internet). However, I picked a few random pictures that I thought might be enjoyable.

That is a box of chicken meat on a sidewalk. I call this a "Haitian Defrost."

A tattered flag on the antenna. Nearly every car or motorcycle has Haitian flags or stickers. They are very proud of where they come from.

It's hard to see but this biker saw that I was taking pictures and thought he'd show off his handless biking talents. Safety is a top priority here.

Produce section.

The main problem lately is that there are limited times that we are outside of an NPH facility and not in a truck. This has made picture taking difficult at times. Plus, half the time I'm in the truck with 7 other people and trying not to get carsick. However, in the next few days will provide some more interesting events happening that should provide for some more pictures. Tuesday night is a candlelight vigil with Father Rick at the mass graves of earthquake victims and then basically all of Wednesday will be different ceremonies and masses for the one year anniversary of the earthquake. Both days are in different parts of town that we have yet to see.

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I also hope by the end of the week, to write about NPH a bit more indepth, giving some information for those of you who are interested. Plus, that post will come with some more cute baby pictures. And who doesn't like cute babies?

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So the trip I was supposed to take last Friday Cite Soleil got cancelled/postponed due to the fact that I was to meet my friend Demanch (the water truck driver) and after waiting some 30 minutes, he never showed up to drive me. I'm sure he forgot or just was late. Haiti has many quirks about it and one of the biggest is time. When a Haitian says that he's going to be somewhere at a certain time, they're nearly always late. When they say they're leaving in 30 minutes, they are leaving in 5. 9:30pm is what has been referred to as "Haitian Midnight." Time is a very loose measurement down here, which has been both annoying for me as I'm a very scheduled/organized human being and good because it forces me to be a little more flexible.

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